Monday, May 31, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes

 I completed a speed demon challenge subtracting up to 20.

I got 100/100 correct and my time was 7 minutes and 1 seconds.

Next time I am going to add up to 20 or go a harder level.

Reciprocal Reading

I did the reciprocal reading for the PDF of what we ate.

This PDF is about what the army's ate in world war 1.

The rolls are leader, pridictor, clarafier, questioner, and summeriser.

In the war they ate hard biscuits, lack of vitaman c, some fruits, and water.

I think the clarafier help me really much because it identified tricky words when I was reading through out the sentence.

Next I did the reciprocal reading for what we lost.

This PDF is about what the soldiers lost in world war 1.

In the war they lost 60% people shot by gun.

I think the questioner really helped me because it help me when I didn't understand the question.

Friday, May 28, 2021


 I learned how to write a hook. A hook is getting the readers attention with a surprising fact.

First I wrote a hook about the life cycle of a buterfly. Did you know there are 20,000 butterfly species? There are 4 cycle of a butterfly and they are eggs, caterpiller, crystal, lastly butterfly. When butterfly dies they still have some eggs in there bodies.

Next I wrote how fireworks work. Did you know fireworks was made in China? The fireworks come from burning small bits such as iron or steel. The fuse sets a charge which ignites the gunpowder.

Latly I wrote about how chocolate is made. Did you know that it takes 400 coco bean to make one bar of chocolate? Hot chocolate was the first chocolate invented. Chocolate has over 600 flavour compound.

I enjoyed this task because I learned how to get the readers attention.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Simple Machines

Did you know that simple machines were invented along time ago? These simple machines are wheel and axle, pulley, and screw. Simple machines help people make work easier and faster. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

To day room 9 made slime and we

                              Fun day making slime

On Monday we were making slime with our class room 9. 
First we put in the PVA glue and then we put our favourite colour by using food colouring.
Next we mix and we put  shaving cream in the bowl. 
After then we pour it on a table and put some more shaving cream. 
We had to put more shaving cream so it could stretch as long as it can.
I enjoyed this task because I learned how to make slime.

Culture festival

Yesterday we had culture festival and prize giving day.

First I had to go to the library at 8:30 because I have to dress up for kapa haka. 

Next we had to go on the stage and do some Maori haka and songs.Then I went to change and go to my dance group.

I enjoyed this culture festival because I learned a new dance.

Home learning cooking

Me and my class cooked something yummy. 

My little sister loves the cake that we baked and when I cooked it my Grandmother and Aunt helped me.

 I really love the cake because it was really yummy.

I enjoyed this task because I learn how to cook.

Respectable Reading

I learned how to do reapectable reading.

The leader has to tell who is going first and who is going last.

The prdictor is about what you know already.

The clarifier shares words that you don't know.

The questioner ask question about the text.

The summuriser is summurising the sentence in your own words.

I think I need to practise my reapectable reading because I stuggle on the prdictor.

The Three Simple Machines

 There are three simple machines that are similar. These simple machines are called the wedge, the lever, and a inclined plane.

How to read a calender

 how to read a calender.

1) Read what day is it.

2) Read what  date is it.

3) Read what month is it.

4) Read what year is it.

5) I put everything altogether.

I thing I need more practice with putting the day, date, month, and the year together.

Maori Directions & Kitchen Labels

 I learned how to say kitchen tools in maori.

I learned how to say Kei hea te pene rakau? That means where is the pencil.

I also learned how to say Kei raro i te tepu? Which means the pencil is under the table.

I enjoyed this activity because I learned how to say new words in maori.


I learnt how I find a comfortable spot while moving our bodies. 

First I had to do the rugby ball equipment. We had to balance with our leg and switch feet.

The tricky part was moving my hips because I can't keep in balance.

Next I went to the hockey equipment. We had to do the same thing what the first activity but we have to take turns rolling the ball.

The hard part was trying to roll the ball with the hocky stick because the ball keeps on rolling of.

The next activity is frisbee. For frisbee we had to the same thing with the two activity that I did but I have to face side ways and throw it to get a good angle to catch it.

The trick part is trying to get a good angle of catching the frisbee.

Then I did the basketball activity but I had to dribble the ball on the spot and pass it to the person. I also had to dribble we both hands when I thing it easy to dribble the ball with one hand.

This activity was easy because I teached Alexxa how to throw the ball.

The last equipment is net ball. The netball activity is just throwing the ball like catch but balancing with on leg.

This activity was easy because it was a bit like catch but standing on one leg.

I think I like the netball activity and the basketball activity because I get a catch every turn.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Cycle of a butterfly

 I did a cause a effect about the life cycle of the butterfly.

First I sorted out the explanation of the life cycle of the butterfly.

Next I wrote a cause and effect sentence about the eggs.

Then I wrote a cause and effect sentence about the caterpllier stage.

After I wrote a cause and effect about the chrysalis stage.

Lasty I wrote a cause and effect about the butterfly stage.

I enjoyed this task because I learned about cause a effect.

Bolck Twister

 I learned how to control my tipping point.

First did a warm up.

Next I revised the tipping point

Then I played a game called block twister.

I thing I need a bit more practice with controling my tiping point because I keep on twisting my hands and legs and sometimes can't untwist myself.

SSR selfie - Animals like us

I read a book called animals like us.This book is written by Sir David and it tells us how many endangered are on earth.

1. Orangutan is endangered because in 1990 there was a fire in the forest also Orangutan are in pet trade.

2. Kakapo is endangered because they are hunt down because they want to get there feathers and meat.

3.Koala is endangered because many trees have been chop down and they need more food.

I enjoy the book because I learn more things about endangered animals.

Expanation writing | Writing

 I learned how to write an expanation report.

First I learned what an expanation report is. An expanation report is to understanding the prosess.

Then I wrote and expanation report. The structure is TIMES.

I think that an expanation report is a bit tricky to remember the structure.


 I learned how to tell people to pass something in maori.

First I revised tenei, tena, and tera.

Next I learned a new structure, which is "Hoatu te . . . ki te taha maui". That means "pass ... to your left".

I think I need to practice more because I stuggle with the Hoatu te.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Comment Thread

Comment thread is having a conversation with a person on blogger. Kourabeau commented on my blog cause and effect.

Kourabeau commented that he liked my explanation and asked what my favourite causal language was, I answered back saying my favourite causal language is the reason for that.

I answered back the same question what Kourabeau said that was what is your favorite causal language. Kourabeau answered his favorite causl language that was  consequently.

I enjoyed this task because Kourabeau commented a polite word.


Thursday, May 13, 2021

SSR Selfie | Ellie the homesick puppy

 I read a book called Ellie the homesick puppy. I read up to chapter 1.

One day Megan was crying because she had to give her dog to her grandma to look after for a week and Ellie left Megan's grandma.

Ellie got lost and Megan was upset when she heared the news from her grandma.

I like the way the auther used very short sentences and some very intresting keywords.

Harry's War | Reading - Key words

All text had lines of words to share information with the reader

A key word are work that unlock more information.

For example a lartrine are holes in the ground that people use it to go to the toliet.

Key words can help more information and help understand the words.

Cause and Effect | Writing

 Cause and effect fit in the mechanisms structure of an explanation.

Cause is something good or bad happens. An effect is something or someone is doing before the cause happens.

An example of cause is it rained alot.

An example of effect is the tree grows up and the casual language for example when.

Cause is somthing good or bad happens. An effect is something or someone is doing before the cause happens.

Manners | PB4L

 Mannres are respectful words that make people happy.

We use mannres in the class, at home, and in public.

These are the mannres that we use more in public.

Please, thank you, sorry, excuse me, may I, your welcome. You have to look at the person carefully if they are respecting or not.

We use manners because it shows respect to others in public.

Maths Problem Solving | Maths

 I learned about problem solving time.

First I had to solve the correct answer.

Next I had to talk in a group about how we got the answer

Lastly we checked our answer.

I found it out easy because I had undersand the question.

Simple Machines in real life | Inquiry

 I found real simple machines around our school envirment.

These simple machines are called . . .

inclined plane



wheel and axle



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Time difference

 I learned how to find the time difference.

First I looked at the hour hand and subtracted the time. There was a 4 hour difference.

Next I looked at the minute hand and subtracted the time. There was a 35 minutes difference

I think I need more practise with telling the time difference.

Maori preposition

 I learned about Maori preposition.

First preposition is tenei that means here.

The next preosition is tena that means there.

The last preposition is tera that means over there.

I enjoy this task because I learned more about Maori preposition.

Balancing | HPE

 I learned how to balance around my envirment.

First I balanced against the wall.

Next I balanced with no one's help and with someone's help.

Then I balanced on two people.

After I balanced on someone to keep of the ground

I think in need to practice with balancing on two people because I was about to fall.


Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Counting Numbers

I learned how to count numbers before and after.

First I counted up to the number one hundred. Then I counted backwards to 1.

Next I showed the number before and after.

I need to practice the number before and after more.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Times | Maths

I finished a math activity about how to read a clock.

First I looked at the minute hand and see how many minutes have past. It was 32 minutes.

Next I look at the hour had and see how many hours have past. It was 8 hours.

Then I put the hour hand first and then the minute hand together that makes 8:32

I enjoyed this activity because I leared how to tell the time in 2 diffrent ways.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Basic Fact Boxes | Maths

 I completed the speed demon challenge up to 20 on addition.

I got 100/100 correct and my time was 9 minutes and 56 second.

Next time I am going to try a harder level and try be more faster.

SSR Selfie | Sammy the shy kitten

 I read a book called Sammy the shy kitten.I read Chapter 1.

One day their was a girl called Emma and everyday a cat called Sammy will always come to her but one day the cat did not come back to Emma.

Emma thought that someone took Sammy without asking.

I like the way the author use intresting words in the story.

ANZAC world war 1 \ Reading

Country name in maori

I learned question that will help me in the class room.

First I learned kua mutu and that means finished.

Next I learned awhina mai koa which means can you help me please.

Lastly I had to sort the country and find the moari way of the countrys name.

I need to practise reading more maori words.


Simple Machines \ Inquiry

 Simple machines are tools that were made to move objects.

The 6 simple machines are;

1. Screw

2. Wedge

3. Pully

4. Lever

5. wheel and axle

6. inclied plane

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Balancing \ HPE

 I learn how to balance in many diffrent ways.

First Mr Ogilvie talked about what is balancing.

Next we did the balancing beam activity. We had to cross the balancing beam without touching the floor. There were 2 people on each team going to the other at the same time.

Then we had to try and balance on a soccer ball like the tiping point.

I felt scared when I got to stand on the soccer ball because I might break any part of my body.