Friday, September 24, 2021


 Dice under the the red chair.

Ice from orange ice cube.

Sticker on the yellow book.

Coloured box that is green.

On the blue bed.

My purple money box.

Be my pink shirt.

On the brown table to eat.

Bee along the white flower.

Up on the dark black attic.

Like a shiny silver spoon.

A gold buddha statue on a closet.

The blanket that is maroon.

Ever read a book about the plum colour.

Do colour the sky gray with the colour pensil.

Steps Web

 I finished a must do task called steps web.

The first activity is sentence builder. There are going to be some word and turn those word into sentences.

The next activity was sound split. It will say the word and press on where it splits.

I time I need more practise with the sound split because I don't know what to split.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Te Reo

 I finished a moari task.

First I wrote a question. Example Kei hea te pukakuka (Where is the book)

Then I an answer. Example Kei raro i te penerakau ( Under the 

pensil )

Lastly I took a 3 picture and put them on my google slide.

I think this task was easy because it just find some stuff and put the above, under or, left, and right.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Steps Web

 I finished a task called steps web.

The first asctivity is choose the word. It will have a sentence and a missing word. There are Wha words to choose on so you could make the sentence.

The next activity is word flash. It will show a word and disappear. On the side of the page there is going to be a list of words and you need to perehi on of the words you see.

I think I need more practise with the word rapa because it shows it in a popoto time.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

SSR Selfie True or False baby animals

I completed a can do task called SSR Selfie.

First I set a 15 minute timer. I read all of the page.

Next I found some very cool information.

The first information is that the father cat never take care of the kittens.

The next information is female sea turtles lay their egg at the same beach they were born.

The last information is baby polar bear cub learn how to catch seal through a hole in the ice.

I enjoyed this task but I did'n know that female frog lays thousand eggs at one time.


Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Wensday workout

 I finished a Wensday work out.

First activity was run on the spot. You need to run but stay where you were.

Next activity was lunges. Your front knee needs to go down and your back knee has to lower down.

Anouther activity is mountain climb. Your back needs to be straight and your shoulders need to be over your wrist and pull you knee up to your hips.

The last activity is ankle touches. You need to lye on the floor and move side to side and touch your ankle.

I think I need more practise with the ankle touch because I keep on wanting to lay down. 


 My group and I worked on this activity called Madlibs. We had to write down: A boy name, Girl name, colour, place, A model car, number, Number between 8 - 13, Day of the week, and a type of fabric.

First we wrote down a boy name and a girls name and they were Joe, and Lucy.

Next we wrote down a colour and a place. The colour was blue and the place was KFC.

Then we wrote a type of car a number and a number between 8 - 13. The car was Mercedes benz, the number was 15, and the number was 11.

Lastly we wrote the day of the week and a type of fabric. The day of the week was Monday and the fabric was cotton.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

SSR Selfie The bad Guys 7

 I read a book called the bad guys up to chapter 6.

The bad guys were go to the old day where there were dinosaur. Wolf, snake, and Shark were leading the dinosaur away when Piranha and Tarantula fix the time machines. Shark disguised himself as a tree and they got on the shark. Meanwhile Tarantula said to Piranha that don't move until piranha got stuck in the T-Rex nose.

I liked how the auther used puntuation when it was time to.

Typing mat

 I finish a task that is called dance mat type. This activity is to practise typing without looking at the keyboard.

First I set a 15 minute timer and went on the dancing mat stage 2.

Next I placed my fingers on home row key. They are A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,and ;.

Then I learned how to type e and i. To type e and i you need to bring the d finger up to press e and bring the k finger up to press the i.

Lastly to finish up I put on what I need to improve on.

I need to improve on get on the right letters and more one finger forward to the e and i.

Monday, September 6, 2021

Steps Web

 I compled a steps web task.

The first task was find the word. It will say a word and you will have to press that word they say.

The next activity is choose the word. You have a missing word in between at the back or in the front and have to press the correct word that goes in the space.

I think I need to practise with find the word because I get mix up with the sound.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Problem solving

 I finished a problem solving activity.

First I read the text and hightlight the key words. Then i I picked three stratigies. I choose place value, repeated addition, and skip counting.

Next I wrote down the equation for example: repeated addition

7 x 14 = ??

7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 98

7 x 14 = 98

Lastly I solved it step by step. I started adding seven 14 times and got the answer.

I think I need more practise with adding up the numbers.

Thursday, September 2, 2021


 I finish a Thursday fitness.

The first activity is run on the spot. You need to run but you need to stay there.

The next activity is wall sit. Wall sit is that you lay on the wall and bend your knees just like you are sitting on the chair.

The next activity is squats. Squats is just like you are sitting on a chair but you go lower and you keep your heels on the ground.

The last activity is Burpees. Burpees is like you are jumping hight up and lay on the ground and you keep repeating.

I think I need to improve on the wall sits because I keep on sliding of the wall.


 I finish a can do task that is called dance mat type. This activity is to practise typing without looking  \at the keyboard.

First I set a 15 minute timer and went on the dancing mat.

Next I placed my fingers on home row key. They are A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,and ;.

Lastly to finish up I put on what I need to improve on.

I need to improve on trying to not look at the keyboard, and stop typing with my fingers.

Steps Web

 I completed a steps web task.

The first activity is the word grid. It will say 1, 2 or 3 words and you will have to press that word.

The next activity is the Definitions. Definitition is a statment that mean the exact same word.